RIP & WORKFLOW SOFTWARE by Polkadots Software inc. (Canada)
Welcome to Polkadots Software, the Home of Harlequin RIP workflow and Plugins. Our innovative products provide all the functionality you need at a better value. Just one of the reasons we were chosen as PAGE Platinum Suppliers.
Let us show you how we can help you to improve productivity while saving money.
- NEWSflo
- PLATEflo
- PRESSflo
PrePress Tools
- Ink-it
- PDF-it
- CIP3-it
- Key-it
- PrePage-it
- View-it
- Send-it
- Move-it
- Fold-it
- Track-it
- Resterize-it RIP
NEWSflo 09
Newspaper Workflow
Features and Benefits…
Preflight Autofix
Save time and avoid problems. NEWSflo will fix all your file problems including PDF transparencies, missing fonts, RGB images, 4 color black text, hairlines, Pantone colors and more. Preflight reporting is good but on the fly automatic file fixing is better.
Client Server Architecture
Work and monitor production from anywhere. Our client server architecture can be accessed using a web browser from any Mac or PC.
Easy To Use
Engineered by newspaper people with the operator in mind makes user training a question of hours. We will install, configure and train your production people in a couple of days without interrupting your production.
RIP Once Output Many (ROOM)
No more surprises on press, NEWSflo will pre-RIP your individual pages before page-pairing, it guarantees your proof and soft proof will match the press.
Better Printing
Automatic Page Pairing, high quality eProofing and Automated Preflight and Fixing are just a few of the many features we offer to better the quality of your printing.
More Color
Everybody does 2 up, 4 up and 8 up page pairing but we also offer optional 3up and 6up page pairing to let you print more color pages without investing in new press units.
PLATEflo 09
Commercial Film and CTP Workflow for any Harlequin RIP
Features and Benefits…
AutoFix PDF Transparencies
Still one of the biggest issues facing our industry today, PDF transparency is automatically resolved and compatible so any RIP will be able to image the file to any imagesetter or CtP.
AutoFix Missing Fonts
GATF award winning technology to not only warn if a font is missing but actually emulate the required font. Font emulation maintains the beginning and end of lines ensuring that there is no text re-run.
AutoFix RGB Images
Automatically convert RGB to CMYK with pre-defined parameters to ensure the highest quality. View high resolution detail of converted images and measure color right on screen.
AutoFix 4 Color Black Text
Automatically detect and fix 4 color black text to ensure that the job will print easily without registration issues.
Fix Pantone Colors
Automatically handle spot color separations – whether it is fixing the way that QuarkXpress renames Pantone colors or forcing spot colors to be separated as CMYK.
Pitstop Certified Status Check & Reporting
PreFlight and report on corrupted Fonts, Errors, PostScript Errors, PDF Errors, Low Image resolution, and a host of other issues.
Create DataLock Files Instantly
Preflight Reporting is fine but finding potential issues and correcting them automatically is simply better. With DataLock files there are never any surprises, all of the PreFlight Fixes applied will be in the file when it is ready to go to the imagesetter or CtP – GUARANTEED!
Post-RIP Imposition Interface
Use your favorite imposition application or even page layout and design applications to impose DataLock’d page placeholders and let PLATEflo handle the output. Faster than trying to impose High Resolution files with a guarantee that what you saw in the proof will image on film or plate!
Use View-it to eProof pages and signatures. You can use View-it to fully interact with customers in a real-time collaborative environment. Combine View-it with a calibrated monitor to take advantage of ICC color managed eProofs as well as a fully collaborative environment to view them in.
Automated Press Adjustments
Features and Benefits…
Digital Web Growth/Fan Out Compensation
Fanout can occur when paper stock is stretched during the print process creating mis-registration and resulting in poor quality. PRESSflo can compensate for this phenomena in the following ways…
Scale or move all plates of a specific color.
Scale or move individual plates based on position on the press.
Digital Plate Rotation (Shimming and Cocking)
Shimming and or cocking of the plate in either direction.
Can rotate the plate from either the left or right plate edge.
Consistent, repeatable press moves every time.
Does all the shimming and cocking of the plates automatically with no effort.
Addresses individual press characteristics
Addresses all factors which can cause mis-registration:
Press wear
Poor plate punching or bad plate bending
Other environmental issues.
Works with both one-around cylinder (Goss Community) and 2-around cylinder (Goss Urbanite) style presses.
PrePress Tools
Ink Savings, Improve Quality
Plugin to any Harlequin RIP or as a Stand-Alone Application
Features and Benefits…
Save 20% in Ink Costs
INK-it has been proven to reduce ink costs. Customers report an average of 20% savings on ink purchases.
Better Color Reproduction
Minimize color variations throughout the press run. We have developed an automated method that will provide you with the optimal ink saving without any image degradation. Get brighter and cleaner colors with more detail. Others may try to claim higher ink savings but what is the cost in terms of image quality?
Save Paper
Improve your press run performance by printing at faster press speeds with faster drying times. In addition to ink optimization, the entire print process is made far more profitable. Press make-ready is faster with a much wider registration window and make-ready waste is reduced. Faster startups with fewer press disruptions mean you will save even more on ink, paper, water, chemistry and energy.
Plug-in to RIPs and Workflows
No need to buy new hardware, Ink-it installs on your existing RIP. No disruptions to your current prepress workflow.
Install and Ready to go in Minutes
INK-it calculates color transformations in a fully automated process. You can instantly benefit from our 17+ years of color separation and scanner experience. Ink-it was created by us and optimized over the past 17 years to work seamlessly for heatset and coldset web printing of newspapers, inserts and flyers. No messing around with trial and error methods while printing out test pages – just install INK-it and start saving immediately!
Harlequin RIP PDF Raster Plugin
Features and Benefits…
Proof & Print from the Same Data
PDF-it processes and creates a Datalocked PDF file with the exact content securely locked down. Use Acrobat Reader, Acrobat Professional, MacOS Preview or any other application that offers PDF viewing capabilities to seamlessly and affordably soft proof your press ready files. When approved, simply print from your viewing application or submit the PDF directly to your workflow’s hot folders to make film or plates – everything is guaranteed to output exactly as proofed.
Compatible with All PDF Versions
PDF-it creates a PDF file that is compatible with all viewers and all versions of Adobe Acrobat. Datalocked PDF-it files are ideal for anyone who needs complete control over the files content but needs to send the same file to multiple locations for output.
Eliminate Font and Other Issues
PDF-it files are made from original files that have already been interpreted and processed by a PrePress quality Harlequin RIP. Fonts, data and all objects are normalized to precise kind of data that CTP and Imagesetters require. Eliminate errors caused by missing fonts, dropped logos and final output not matching proofs. Don’t buy new fonts, recycle your existing Asian fonts, Kanji fonts and other double byte fonts by having them processed and included right in the PDF.
Plug-in to ANY Harlequin RIP or Workflow
No need to buy new hardware, PDF-it installs on your existing Harlequin RIP from any RIP vendor – regardless of if it is Mac or Windows. No disruptions to your workflow and nothing new for operators to learn.
Setup, Install and Training in under 30 Minutes
PDF-it is easily installed into your existing Harlequin RIP without disturbing any of the pre-existing settings. PDF-it does not require a dongle and there is no limit to size or number of PDF-it files you can create. With only a few minutes of training anyone can start creating Datalock PDF-it files and benefit from the ease, simplicity and security of PDF-it!
CIP3 .ppf plugin for Harlequin RIPs
Features and Benefits…
Reduce Make-Ready Waste
According to recent research, using an ink presetting method can reduce your make-ready waste anywhere from 20% to 50%. Reducing paper waste and ink waste will save you money. Coming up to color faster and more easily will improve production and quality.
Industry Standard Print Production File (.ppf) files
CIP3-it will generate a standard .ppf file containing all of the information necessary for your print console. CIP3-it will work with any Harlequin RIP and allows anyone with CIP3 .ppf compliant press console to take advantage of cost savings associated with ink presetting.
Faster Processing & Better File Naming
The CIP3-it plugin will create the 1-bit TIFF file for the plate at the same time as it makes the ink key report. CIP3-it makes TIFF files faster than the standard Harlequin TIFF Plugin and as an added bonus, CIP3-it offers superior file naming and job sorting.
Plug-in to any Harlequin RIP
CIP3-it will plugin into any Harlequin RIP regardless of the brand as well as the platform. The CIP3-it Plugin enables ANY Harlequin RIP to produce Print Production Format (PPF) files containing information about print jobs, such as inking information, separations and preview images. The PPF file is then read by a CIP3 reader (included with press control systems), which provides instructions for automatically setting ink fountains on press. Calculating the ink preset in the RIP is the fastest and most accurate method since CIP3-it accesses the actual data being used for plate or film production.
Ink Key report plugin for Harlequin RIPs
Features and Benefits…
Reduce Make-Ready Waste
According to recent research, using an ink presetting method can reduce your make-ready waste anywhere from 20% to 50%. Reducing paper waste and ink waste will save you money. Coming up to color faster and more easily will improve production and quality.
Easy to Read Report
Key-it will generate an ink key report that makes it easy to preset inking on any press. There is no need to upgrade press components or purchase anything new for the press. Key-it allows anyone to take advantage of cost savings associated with ink presetting.
Ink Values on the Plate
Key-it can be setup to image the ink values directly onto the plate. The pressman can easily see the ink values and adjust accordingly at the same time as hanging the plates on press.
Faster Processing & Better File Naming
The Key-it plugin will create the 1-bit TIFF file for the plate at the same time as it makes the ink key report. Key-it makes TIFF files faster than the standard Harlequin TIFF Plugin and as an added bonus, Key-it offers superior file naming and job sorting.
Plug-in to any Harlequin RIP
Key-it will plugin into any Harlequin RIP regardless of the brand as well as the platform. Calculating the ink preset in the RIP is the fastest and most accurate method since Key-it accesses the actual data being used for plate or film production.
PrePage-it 09
Harlequin RIP PreFlight Plugin
The PreFlight Plugin for
AutoFix PDF Transparencies
AutoFix Missing Fonts
AutoFix RGB Images
AutoFix 4 Color Black Text
Post-RIP Imposition with ANY Imposition Software
Web Browser Interface for Job & Process Management
Create DataLock Files Instantly!
Features and Benefits…
AutoFix PDF Transparencies
Still one of the biggest issues facing our industry today, PDF transparency is automatically resolved and compatible so any RIP will be able to image the file to any imagesetter or CtP.
AutoFix Missing Fonts
GATF award winning technology to not only warn if a font is missing but actually emulate the required font. Font emulation maintains the beginning and end of lines ensuring that there is no text re-run.
AutoFix RGB Images
Automatically convert RGB to CMYK with pre-defined parameters to ensure the highest quality. View high resolution detail of converted images and measure color right on screen.
AutoFix 4 Color Black Text
Automatically detect and fix 4 color black text to ensure that the job will print easily without registration issues.
Fix Pantone Colors
Automatically handle spot color separations – whether it is fixing the way that QuarkXpress renames Pantone colors or forcing spot colors to be separated as CMYK.
Pitstop Certified Status Check & Reporting
PreFlight and report on corrupted Fonts, Errors, PostScript Errors, PDF Errors, Low Image resolution, and a host of other issues.
Create DataLock Files Instantly
Preflight Reporting is fine but finding potential issues and correcting them automatically is simply better. With DataLock files there are never any surprises, all of the PreFlight Fixes applied will be in the file when it is ready to go to the imagesetter or CtP – GUARANTEED!
Consider these options for even more functionality:
View-it (eProofing)
Add on View-it to fully interact with customers in a real-time collaborative environment. Combine View-it with a calibrated monitor to take advantage of ICC color managed eProofs as well as a fully collaborative environment to view them in.
Send-it (Job Submission)
Interact with your customers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Create customer loyalty by providing a simple and intuitive way for them to submit jobs.
eProofing Plugin to any Harlequin RIP
Features and Benefits…
High Speed without High Bandwidth Consumption
Forget about the “Digital Highway” – with View-it you can cruise the “Digital Autobahn” where your only limit is the speed of your internet connection. View-it’s Pixel-on-Demand technology lets you stream high resolution data without eating up all of your bandwidth.
View High Resolution Files Instantly
Don’t settle for JPEG proofs or other simulations. With View-it you see every detail precisely as it will image. Pixel-on-Demand not only lowers your bandwidth consumption, it also brings you high resolution data right into you web browser at lightning fast speeds.
Collaborate with Staff and Customers
Open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, View-it will never let you down. Collaborate in real-time with annotations, shared viewing and a full array of proofing tools to simplify and significantly speed up the approval process.
ICC Color Managed
Apply color management profiles with a color managed monitor and View-it instantly becomes a contract proofing solution.
Save Consumables
Go green and save money doing it. Use less ink, less paper and eliminate the need for courier services sending proofs back and forth. Speed, security, digital integrity, environmental as well as cost savings – who could ask for more.
Consider these options for even more functionality:
PrePage-it ( PreFlight and AutoFix ROOM Server)
Save time and avoid problems. Preflight reporting is good but on the fly automatic file fixing is Simply Better.
Send-it (Job Submission)
Interact with your customers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Create customer loyalty by providing a simple and intuitive way for them to submit jobs.
Web Based Job Submission
Features and Benefits…
So Much Easier than FTP
Your clients simply login and start sending files. You choose and set the parameters for how files will processed up front. Clients can only see their own jobs and all of this takes place in your own branded web portal.
Open for Business 24/7
Send-it is the CSR that never sleeps, takes a vacation or even a coffee break! Your clients have instant access to submit work to you any time of the day or night, and with a web portal you can just as easily accept work from across the country as if it was across the street.
Email Notification
Get notified when a client uploads a file. Send-it can also send you an email message if a file has an error as well as let you know when files have been either approved or rejected by the customer.
Consider these options for even more functionality:
PrePage-it (PreFlight and AutoFix ROOM Server)
Save time and avoid problems. Preflight reporting is good but on the fly automatic file fixing is Simply Better.
View-it (eProofing)
View-it’s Pixel-on-Demand technology lets you stream high resolution data without eating up all of your bandwidth.
File Moving and Automation
Features and Benefits…
Move-it takes a toolbox approach to workflow automation. Move-it will work in any existing workflow environment as a powerful automation tool. Move-it also provides sophisticated load balancing for PrePage-it users who want to distribute the processing across multiple servers.
Move-it is an open workflow automation tool. Move-it is scalable; purchase and install only what is required then add on as needed. Automate-it takes advantage of easy setup and uses hot folders so that when one tasks is complete the results can be processed easily by any other task.
Move-it is easy to use and installs in a snap. From the workflow editor drag and drop icons representing various operations or tasks onto the canvas and link them together. Double-click any icon to view and modify the parameters of each task then sit back and let Move-it take over.
Move-it is a cost effective solution for anyone wanting to add automated functionality to their existing workflow. Move-it will automate repetitive tasks freeing up valuable operator time while at the same time automating difficult tasks that might otherwise lead to errors, wasted time and wasted money.
Key features include…
FTP Download Load Balancing Scriptability for:
- Pitstop
- Asura
- Jaws PDF Server
- Acrobat
- Photoshop
- PStill and much more…
- FTP Upload File Moving & Copying
- Hot Folders Housekeeping
- Adaptive Routing Email
- File Renaming Command Line Interface
- Job Sorting
With Optional Preflighting, PDF Creation, PDF Splitting, PDF Merging and PDF Cropping
De-Imposition & Duplex Proofing
Features and Benefits…
JDF Enabled
Fold-it is a completely stand-alone digital proofing solution that accepts JDF input to “DE-IMPOSE” 1-Bit TIFF imposition signature files created from any workflow even a basic Harlequin RIP. Fold-it uses imposition data contained inside of a JDF file to correlate between the 1-Bit TIFF signature and the final cut-down pages to generate a hard copy or soft copy proof enabling users to guarantee that pages have been imposed in the correct sequence.
Integrates into any workflow
Fold-it seamlessly works in conjunction with any 1-Bit TIFF workflow. Fold-it saves time when compared to wide format duplex proofers, that output cumbersome proofs of entire flats that need to be manually folded and trimmed. Fold-it’s automatic Smart Mode automatically detects black only jobs and prints them in a flash.
Intuitive and Easy to Use
Installation is quick and easy, simply define some profiles then process jobs with the click of a mouse. Produce a digital blueline proof of a job in its final form using only a standard page size laser printer and paper; Fold-it will even save out as a PDF file. Use Fold-it’s clear and concise error reporting to track down problems such as missing image or template files.
Fast and Flexible
Fold-it accepts imposition jobs RIPed with any 1-BIT TIFF generator, whether it is a complete workflow product like PLATEflo, Apogee PrintDrive, etc, or simply a RIP setup to create 1-Bit TIFF. Fold-it works with JDF data or Preps Job files. Proof an entire job or only selected Press Sheets or Webs. Print pages out, or save PDF, as single duplexed pages, or as reader spreads or printer spreads.
Saves Time and Money
With Fold-it, users avoid the cost of expensive proofing software and hardware required for printing double-sided (duplex) imposition proofs. Catch imposition errors and save money before plate making actually takes place, and unlike PDF or PostScript alternatives, Fold-it works with the 1-Bit TIFF file that will be used to make the plates.
Time and Job Management
Features and Benefits…
Tracking time and files made easy
Track-it takes the guess work out of tracking time spent on jobs. Working with Track-it is as simple as selecting the client and clicking a button. No complicated forms to fill out, no more wasted time trying to find all of the projects resources. Track-it helps to manage both the time spent on jobs as well as all of the necessary pieces required to make the job right, the first time.
Time management of jobs in production tracked by:
Publications and Run Date
Ad Number
Period- Day
Management of production resources (electronic job bag) with the ability to add, retrieve, modify and track files by:
Annotated Proof
Page Layout
Automatic file creation, based on user-definable template
Automatic numbering, based on user-definable template
Cummulative Time Reporting
Publication Date
Ad Number
Task as well as Sub-Task
Historical Search Functionality
Previous Ads
Publication Date
Ad Number
Automatic creation of Job Data
Harlequin RIP
Harlequin RIP
High Performance Harlequin RIP
Native PDF, PS & XPS Processing
AM. FM and XM Screening
Ideal for Hybrid Workflows
JDF Enabled
Features and Benefits…
Each new revision of Rasterize-it introduces significant performance increases and enhancements, all designed to provide you with the processing power and the range of features that you need to run your print operation efficiently. So keep your print operation up to speed with Rasterize-it. It won’t let you down.
Processing file formats natively means there is no intermediary conversion to another file format. Files are rendered more quickly and accurately.
In Addition to native PostScript and PDF (up to PDF 1.7) processing, Rasterize-it also supports native XPS processing. XPS, the XML Paper Specification, is the very newest print format developed by Microsoft and available with Windows Vista™. If you already process Microsoft files, provide in-plant printing services, or your client base is mostly large corporates then XPS processing is a must for you.
Do you print newspaper and commercial work? How about commercial and short run digital? Make sure that you use Rasterize-it, the proven RIP engine with an extensive track record in analogue, digital, newspaper and commercial prepress – it’s the ideal RIP to use in your hybrid workflow.
Rasterize-it is able to process jobs passed from a JDF source. JDF is an electronic replacement for a job bag and can bring cost savings to all sizes of operation. Rasterize-it’s engine, the Harlequin RIP was the first product to be JDF certified by CIP4 following testing by the Printing Industries of America/Graphic Arts Technical Foundation. Rasterize-it supports up to the JDF 1.3 specification.
Consider these options for even more functionality:
TrapPro Object Based in-RIP Trapping
HDS Second Order Stochastic Screening (FM)
HXM Cross Modulated (Hybrid) Screening
INK-it Ink Saving and Paper Saving
View-it eProof with Collaborative Annotations
PrePage-it Harlequin PreFlight Plugin